SICAM A8000 RTU Total Power Consumption

SICAM A8000 RTU: Depending on the power requirements of your system, there are appropriate power supply modules available. The base device (master module) can be used as a stand-alone unit or expanded with additional modules. These modules include external power supply options with power ratings of 12 W and 45 W. For more information on the advantages of using the SICAM A8000 RTU, please refer to the benefits of using SICAM A8000.

In I/O rows, the power supply is integrated into the I/O remote modules (7W output power). If required, external power supply modules can also be used. Here is the overview:

SICAM A8000 RTU Total Power Consumption

SICAM A8000 RTU Total Power Consumption

SICAM A8000 RTU External power supply modules:

  • PS-8620 Power Supply 24-60VDC 12W
  • PS-8622 Power Supply 110-220VDC 12W
  • PS-8640 Power Supply 24-60VDC 45W
  • PS-8642 Power Supply 100-240VDC o. VAC 45W

SICAM A8000 RTU I/O Remote modules with integrated power supply for I/O rows:

  • CI-8530 SICAM I/O Remote 24-60VDC el.
  • CI-8531 SICAM I/O Remote 24-60VDC F/O
  • CI-8532 SICAM I/O Remote 110-220VDC el.
  • CI-8533 SICAM I/O Remote 110-220VDC F/O

To select the appropriate power supply, you must determine the power requirement of the base device and, if applicable, each I/O row. To do this, add up the power consumption of all SICAM A8000 modules and any modems that may be included.

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ModulesAvailable Power I/O ModulesAvailable Total Power
PS-8620, PS-86227 W12 W
PS-8640, PS-86428 W45 W
CI-8530, CI-8531, CI-8532, CI-8533 7 W7 W
The Power Consumption Total System of SICAM A8000 RTU

Finally, the power supply module for SICAM A8000 is a good feature. it can help us to adapt the power to the existing power source within the system. it is very flexible to adapt to the system’s condition that you need to be monitored. EMS vs. DMS what is the difference?

Source: Siemens